Medicine & Health
Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity
- Home
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Our research & impact
- Capacity building
- Collaborations
- Action for equity
- Health Environment
- Health System integration and primary health care development
- Informatics and eHealth
- Prevention and management of long term conditions
- Health Impact Assessment Learning by Doing
- Electronic shared care plan for long term care of cancer patients
- Community Health Navigators
- Working In Locationally Disadvantaged Communities Learning by Doing Training Program
- SWSLHD Equity Strategy
- Working with Councils Health Impact Assessment Learning-by-doing training
- Health and Housing Partnership Objective 2: Housing for Health Pilot
- Development of risk profiling matrix for chronic diseases and preventive smartphone application
- Review of the Waterloo Healthy Living Program
- Clinical Pathways: Multidisciplinary shared care plans (Clozapine shared e-care planning)
- SHAReD: Shared Health Arrangements Research & Development
- Community Health workers Extending Care in the Community (CHECC)
- Bilingual Community Health Navigators in General Practice
- The Gaawaadhi Gadudha Study: Understanding how cultural resilience impacts Aboriginal health and quality of life
- Exploring Medicare ineligible Asylum Seeker’s Access to Health Care: A Scoping Study
- Evaluation of the Health Navigation volunteer program
- Place-making and its impact on health outcomes among refugees in high income contexts: A systematic review
- Review of the Waterloo Human Services Action Plan
- Integrated Liver Toolkit and Education Program for the Management of Liver Cancer in Primary Care Pilot: Evaluation
- Program Evaluation of the Sydney Local Health District Mobile Health Clinic
- Stop Smoking Start Living
- Smoking and lower respiratory tract infections
- Evaluation of the Virtual Health Hub for People Experiencing Homelessness
- Sydney Local Health District Equity Framework
- An Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated response
- Pilot health literacy needs and responsiveness study in Sydney District Nursing
- Waterloo housing estate redevelopment: Longitudinal study of impacts on residents’ health
- Health and Wellbeing Peer Educators in Waterloo
- Evaluation of The Live Well Intervention: Promoting health behaviour change in older people living in South Western Sydney
- Impact of care plans on tertiary health service use
- Impact of GP follow-up after hospitalisation on re-admissions
- Association between social isolation and health service use
- Predictors for high service use in older people
- Health of Carers
- Defining a Mental Illness Cohort
- Working Together: Collaboration for Health. A practical guide
- Happy Healthy Tibetan Children
- Study with us
- News & events
- Contact us
- Home
- About us
Our research & impact
- Health Impact Assessment Learning by Doing
- Electronic shared care plan for long term care of cancer patients
- Community Health Navigators
- Working In Locationally Disadvantaged Communities Learning by Doing Training Program
- SWSLHD Equity Strategy
- Working with Councils Health Impact Assessment Learning-by-doing training
- Health and Housing Partnership Objective 2: Housing for Health Pilot
- Development of risk profiling matrix for chronic diseases and preventive smartphone application
- Review of the Waterloo Healthy Living Program
- Clinical Pathways: Multidisciplinary shared care plans (Clozapine shared e-care planning)
- SHAReD: Shared Health Arrangements Research & Development
- Community Health workers Extending Care in the Community (CHECC)
- Bilingual Community Health Navigators in General Practice
- The Gaawaadhi Gadudha Study: Understanding how cultural resilience impacts Aboriginal health and quality of life
- Exploring Medicare ineligible Asylum Seeker’s Access to Health Care: A Scoping Study
- Evaluation of the Health Navigation volunteer program
- Place-making and its impact on health outcomes among refugees in high income contexts: A systematic review
- Review of the Waterloo Human Services Action Plan
- Integrated Liver Toolkit and Education Program for the Management of Liver Cancer in Primary Care Pilot: Evaluation
- Program Evaluation of the Sydney Local Health District Mobile Health Clinic
- Stop Smoking Start Living
- Smoking and lower respiratory tract infections
- Evaluation of the Virtual Health Hub for People Experiencing Homelessness
- Sydney Local Health District Equity Framework
- An Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated response
- Pilot health literacy needs and responsiveness study in Sydney District Nursing
- Waterloo housing estate redevelopment: Longitudinal study of impacts on residents’ health
- Health and Wellbeing Peer Educators in Waterloo
- Evaluation of The Live Well Intervention: Promoting health behaviour change in older people living in South Western Sydney
- Impact of care plans on tertiary health service use
- Impact of GP follow-up after hospitalisation on re-admissions
- Association between social isolation and health service use
- Predictors for high service use in older people
- Health of Carers
- Defining a Mental Illness Cohort
- Working Together: Collaboration for Health. A practical guide
- Happy Healthy Tibetan Children
- Study with us
- News & events
- Contact us
Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity (CPHCE)
Promoting better, fairer health care in the community through research and its translation into health policy and practice.

Our research is collaborative, involving co-design and co-production methods with consumers, communities and healthcare providers. Together, we aim to facilitate long-term translation and implementation into health policy, service and programs.
As part of UNSW Faculty of Medicine & Health, we’re closely affiliated with the School of Population Health. CPHCE also has close collaborations with health services—especially Local Health Districts (Sydney, South Western Sydney and South Eastern Sydney) and Primary Health Networks (Central and Eastern Sydney).
CPHCE acknowledges the country as belonging to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia